Wednesday 13 January 2016

Observational Illustrations

Whilst I've been waiting for an interview with the charity I'm animating for I've been investing some time in making illustrations observing human nature in (what I hope) is a comical way. I figured this was good practice for capturing character and a more interesting way of 'life drawing'. I've been questioning friends and family about their weird, irrational fears, what makes them happy and what little things reeeeaalllly annoy them, with the intention of documenting them all as small collections of illustrations and animated shorts.  Some of the illustrations have just been fun little notes on my own life; things that I think/hope other people can relate to. I'm trialling them out on my instagram feed to see how people respond to them/ whether they think they're funny or relatable etc, and hopefully encouraging people to send me their own weird fears so I can make even more content and have a broader range of contributors. 

Alternative Map of the Human Brain

Flatmate Life

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