Thursday 5 November 2015

More abstract animation

I've been messing around with some marking making abstractions for animation, whilst I wait to be introduced to the family I'll be working with. There's little directional drawing/designing I can do right now before I know what their story is and get to know them. I do know that I'd like to incorporate some abstract elements though, focusing on just colour, shape and movement, so I've been experimenting with this alongside life drawing. I really like the texture that comes from using graphite, and I'm starting to think that I need to branch out from my original concept of coloured pencils/watercolours for this film and consider the textural benefits that will come from using things like pastels as well (although pastels do pose the challenge of transport, this would probably have to all be made and photographed immediately in studio to avoid unwanted smudges) ((although sometimes smudges and accidents make the best marks...))

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