Saturday 28 November 2015

Design Academy

Had a wonderful trip down to London yesterday to present to the Design Council our pitch for the Design for Care challenge. Was really rather nerve-wracking but somehow we managed to make a great impression and my team were offered a Special Commendation for our pitch! We were given these cute little certificates that reminded me of primary school. Gonna put mine on the fridge! 

I did actually learn a lot on this programme though and it's made me more aware of the employment options available to me when I leave uni. I guess I'd never really thought of myself as a 'Designer' and instead just as someone who draws and animates, but actually all the creative thinking practices I've learnt and developed over the course have given me the brain of a designer/creative problem solver/lateral thinker. 
The programme has definitely made me realise how much I can do to help solve social problems or make a difference, even if I sometimes still feel like I 'just draw'. I'm really happy that there seems to be a place for creative alternatives to problem-solving, because it fits so well with what I'm learning about for my dissertation too. I think I can find a way to make a change and still include my animation practice in the future. 

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