Thursday 5 November 2015

Charley Says...

Can't believe I forgot about these absolute gems when researching public information films and animations with messages for children! The Charley Says films were a series of cut-out animation shorts designed to inform children about staying safe. They were aired during the 1970s and 80s, during my parents era of growing up Maybe my parents thought they were effective and showed them to us while we were growing up too, because the 'Charley Says' quote has been a long-running pop-culture reference in my family. 

Anyway, these are brilliant. Very simple and clear, and using a cute (slightly deranged) cat to get kids on board. 
London's Central Office of Information knew how to get kids interested... show them a funny cat video. 
I also found a funny adapted version for 'modern day advice', probably aimed at the adults who used to watch Charley as a child.

The original Charley Says films

Satirical remake for the Modern Technological Age

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