Thursday 26 November 2015

Design for Care

For the past two weeks I've been working on a Design Academy brief titled, "How can we help people stay independent for as long as possible?", and I've been collaborating with 3 other girls from the School of Art to try and design a solution using creative and lateral thinking processes. It's been really interesting to see how a design course such as illustration could lead me down a path to problem-solving for the care industry. 

This has linked very well with everything that I've already been looking at in my dissertation research and my authorship project for Claire House Hospice. I've realised in the past few months that I don't want to just create something that is all about aesthetics, I want there to be a deeper social context to everything I do. All my dissertation title might claim differently, I'm aware that illustration or art alone can't change the world, but I do think it can genuinely help people. 

It can do this in more than just the obvious NPO/care/community services driven way as well. I've always been friends with people in bands and have a list of ever-growing music videos to complete; of which one is an EP based around the topic of depression. People find solace in all sorts of places; in music, art, conversation, or in the hope of my Design Academy team, in community-led garden projects. 

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