Monday 19 May 2014


So the the film part of the exhibition was a bit of a shambles...

Our films were projected onto a screen in the exhibition but all the edges were cut off as the projector couldn't be set up far enough away in such a small room, meaning that all our films had action or information going on which couldn't be seen. I was particularly disappointed at this as sections of my number sequence (which the entire film is based around) were missing because they had been cut off. It therefore wasn't the fibonacci sequence at all as the series of numbers is NOT 1,1,2,3, (big blank gap on screen) 13,21. It also negates any specific positioning or camera angles chosen when the rest of the shot is not seen. As well as this I thought it was unfortunate that instead of speakers, we were only allocated one set of headphones. This meant that only one viewer at a time could appreciate the films as a whole. For my part, I think that the music in my film helps to give it a rhythm and flow and stops it being too dreary, something anyone not wearing the headphones could not appreciate. Being in a separate room to the rest of the exhibition should have meant that we could play music through speakers without disturbing the rest of the space, but perhaps there were other reasons why this couldn't happen. 
All in all I guess I was just a bit disappointed in the final outcome at the exhibition. 

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