Monday 12 May 2014

Inky Messing About

After discovering that animating with inks could be done by putting a sheet of acetate on top of a light-box and filming the ink movement using a pixilation method. It's not exactly easy but it's an interesting way to animate and creates a really lovely fluid quality to the film. It's also a good method to use if you're struggling for a theme or need a bit of inspiration, as it almost creates itself. I suppose it's part of human nature to find recognisable images in something that isn't necessarily figurative, like those pictures of houses that look like faces. I sort of stumbled across the rabbit image (probably because it's an animal so dear to me). I might adapt this technique for creating single ink drawings too as it is a lot freer than any other technique I've tried and can be changed easily if I don't like the direction the drawing is going in.
Definitely something to consider for future projects. :)

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