Thursday 8 May 2014


Having looked again on youtube for some fibonacci themed music to compliment my animation, I discovered Bence Peter. The speed and tone of his fibonacci composition was exactly what I was looking for and so I followed the link to his facebook page and sent him this message: 

"Hi, My name is Rachel and I'm a first year student animator in Manchester. I've been creating a hand-drawn animation for my final project this year based on the fibonacci sequence and I've been looking for some music to go with it. I found your fibonacci piece on youtube and I absolutely loved it. I was wondering if you'd object to me using it as the score for my minute long animation, as it fits beautifully with my images. It's obviously non-profit and I would credit you fully in my titles. And, if you were interested, I'll of course send you the film. Hoping you'll agree and wishing you luck with your future music. Rachel McMahon."

To my surprise, Bence got back to me straight away with a lovely message...

"Hi Rachel, thanks for writing to me and I'm glad you liked the music and of course feel free to use it for your animation! I always love to see creative people using it. If you provide me with your email address I might be able to send a better quality version too.

Thanks, and good luck! Bence"

I find that creative people are often very eager to help each other out, especially if you're a student looking for a bit of help or guidance, as they can normally remember the time when they were just starting out too and will empathise with you. Bence emailed me that evening with a higher quality mp4 track of the composition like he said he would. What a lovely guy and talented pianist!

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