Thursday 20 March 2014

Unit X - Briefing and Initial Ideas

Today we had our first group briefing for the Film aspect of Unit X. Around the theme of 'Lost Science' we started discussing what we might research for our films, and it was really interesting to see what theories have been lost to the ages and how certain cultures have put more store in alchemy/nature/exorcism etc.
My band of research has been geared towards the idea of maths infusing everything we do/see, which is a strongly accepted theory based around the Fibonacci sequence and the idea of the Golden Ratio. From flower petals to the formation of galaxies, this numerical sequence can be found, and the idea that there are forces governing our reality has a strong influence in science fiction and religion.
From this briefing it has been made clear that we need to create two films which propose opposing ideas based on a similar theme. For me, this could be the idea of a real mathematical series which relates to life (perhaps linking to particle theory and the Hadron Collider in CERN) aka real scientific research; and then alternatively, the idea of karmic forces governing the universe, nature's connectivity, holistic healing, mandala patterns etc. Or even, to contrast completely against the idea of coding within nature, I could look into chaos theory.
Using a pinterest board, I've started to collect imagery around the idea of pattern-making and natural phenomena. However, by mind-mapping my ideas, I've begun to see just how many connections can be made once you begin to spin out from a central mathematical code. To help me understand the maths a bit more, I've been watching a few TEDtalks on the subject, which have proved not only interesting but useful too.
Arthur Benjamin is SCARILY clever though. I can't even begin to understand his mathemagics perfomance on TEDtalks.

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