Monday 24 March 2014

16mm Film Test

I took part in a workshop this afternoon, which involved damaging, drawing and painting onto 16mm film. We used tipex, sharpies, nail varnish, spray paint and stickers to add to blank film, but then on film which was already exposed we used pins and scalpels to 'interfere' with the original images on the film reel. These created an effect which reminded me of the punk tendency to cut and stick and use existing images. It had a very obvious hand-made quality, but also the urgency and violent feel of punk videos. 

As a form of inspiration we were shown the work of Len Lye, and tried to unpin the materials he had used by watching 'Swinging the Lambeth Walk'. We decided that his hand-painted films were created using found objects, such as film sprockets and combs, to stamp and make marks. What impressed me most about Len Lye's work though was the perfect timing with every aspect of the music; it was like stepping into the mind of a synesthete.

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