Thursday 26 May 2016

Stitch samples

There was a point in this project where I would have loved to stitch into every single frame of my animation and create a sewn film. This is a very VERY time-consuming method though and it wasn't practical or necessary for this particular project. I did some sample line tests to see what effect sewing into my frames would have, and although I do really like it and think the drawings are coherent enough (I was worried the changes in stitch would give it too much of a flicker), the effect wasn't strong enough for me to want to complete the whole film this way. I think for the Claire House theme, coloured pencils, paints and a feeling of hand-drawn rather than machine-sewn was more important and relevant to the childhood theme. For a future project where the stitching has a particular relevance to the theme or story though, this is a really interesting way of working. It does take forever though, not including the original drawing time, these small 1 second clips took approx. 45 mins - 1 hr to complete. Maybe this is personal project that I can take my sweet time over...

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