Saturday 26 December 2015

What a nice idea! (Storycorps)

A while ago I heard about this and thought it was a really lovely and amazing idea to get people communicating more with each other and actually listening to each other's stories. Everyone loves hearing a good story and other recent projects such as Humans of New York have proved this. People are interested in each other's daily lives, their stories of love or loss and hardship because it makes us feel more human ourselves. I personally am addicted to reading the Modern Love Column, and it's not because I'm a soppy romantic (almost as many of the stories are about lost/failed love, familial love or friendship, as there are stories of true love conquering all). In a technological age where everything is fast-paced and abbreviated, it seems people still feel the pull of a well-told story.
Storycorps is an online archive of such stories, told and recorded by everyday people. They've created an app that allows you to record your conversation and upload it straight to the storycorps archive, and have come up with a set of questions to help those of us who don't know where to start. What's more, they've even started animating some of the stories as well!

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