Monday 7 December 2015

"Oh GOSH, Wellcome to London!"

(Apologies for my title... I'm just a sucker for puns.)

So, I went to London on Friday to conduct an interview with Isobel, the Arts Coordinator at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH), in order to ask her a few questions about the programme she runs and her Hands On animation project from a few years ago. It was a brief little interview, but she was very helpful in answering all my questions about the role of arts therapy in GOSH, and her thoughts about visual aids in explaining complex concepts to young children. I learnt some really cool things about how they tackle the complexity of explaining conditions to kids, and how they're always developing new ways to approach the care they provide.

Because of the brevity of my interview, I had some time to explore London and The British Museum. Isobel mentioned the work The Wellcome Trust does in bringing together the arts and sciences, and interestingly enough there was an exhibition curated by them in the museum. The main artwork featured a gallery-length installation of two pieces of material, into which were sewn every drug/pill/capsule taken by a man and a woman in their lifetimes. The piece was called Cradle to Grave by Pharmaecopia, and was an interesting representation of the 'average person's' use of the NHS system. Seeing it in a visual format rather than numerically or written really made the amount of drugs consumed rather surprising, it was much more than I would have anticipated.


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