Wednesday 28 October 2015

First Step

The NSPCC and Childline have really embraced the idea that animation can help tackle sensitive, upsetting or difficult issues. In 'First Step', an animation made to show that Childline are there for children suffering from sexual abuse, the use of written words on screen instead of a voice really strengthens the message that the calls are private and kept that way. The minimalism and use of text in this animation really draws you in and allows you to focus on the message and empathy in the conversation between the caller and Childline.

The Childline text is simple, clear and strong, emphasising the grounding nature a call to Childline can have for a child in need. In contrast to the occasionally unclear, fractured nature of the child's phrases, Childline's solidity and constancy is a visual metaphor for reassurance. The font itself emanates calmness and stability, without seeming cold - a very considered and effective choice. It's the small design choices that can make a big difference here, as these fonts are representing people in the absence of faces or voices.

I like the story arc of this animation as well. There is a clear progression through very limited imagery cleverly used to show the supportive effect of Childline. The words and phrases become more coherent and the imagery becomes more complex and less fractured. It's a beautifully subtle piece of animation that tells a story in a concise but very sensitive and empathetic manner.

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