Wednesday 7 October 2015

Dementia & Imagination

I've just applied to work as a filmmaker with this AMAZING research project, Dementia & Imagination. (Fingers crossed I get it, but regardless this is brilliant research to compliment my dissertation on whether art can enable social change). 

Dementia & Imagination is a project aimed at examining the power art therapy and creative workshops can have on people suffering with dementia and their carers. They are working across the country with a huge range of specialists from a variety of different disciplines in the arts, sciences and social sciences. The project seems to be step in the right direction for healthcare. By not limiting the care of our increasingly ageing population to facts and figures, there is the chance to provide a better quality of life for those suffering from dementia and for their families and communities in general. Involving the arts and humanities in solving social problems isn't a madcap idea, it's an ingenious one that has inexplicably been overlooked in that past. 

Art can make a difference for people with dementia - like a call to the brain, a connection, helping people come alive again. How does it do this? And are there wider economic, social and community implications? At a time when all parties agree dementia is a priority this project is looking for answers to some important questions.

Baroness Sally Greengross
Chair, All Party Parliamentary Group on Dementia

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