Friday 18 September 2015

3rd Year is looming!!!

For the final year of uni we have been set the task of 'Authorship'; creating a personal, self-led, self-set project over the course of the year that displays your style and standard of work uniquely. No pressure...

This should also be linked with our final year dissertations, and each should feed into the other. I have decided to invest this year in creating an animation for an NPO (non-profit organisation), to help them raise awareness and hopefully donations for their charity. Non-profit organisations rely on as much pro-bono help as they can get, and this is probably the only time in my career that I could afford to produce an entire animation for free and dedicate so much time to it.

My research began by viewing animations made for other NPOs such as the NSPCC and AA, the key in each of them is the emphasis on telling a story rather than bombarding the viewer with facts. - Sarah's story - NSPCC - 'Doors' - AA

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