Wednesday 13 November 2013

The Trampapoline Attempt

I'm approximately 5ft1. My boyfriend however is 6ft5. It feels as though I am a whole person shorter than him. As a result, even a peck on the cheek becomes something akin to a military operation. On the plus side I never have to worry if I can't reach something in Tesco.

Anyway this is a long-running joke now between us and we get excited when we find a set of steps in town or a ladder etc. So I began making little flipbooks for him on special occasions, to document our ingenious methods of attaining the same level of height. My first was called 'Yellow Pages', and shows us both gathering phonebooks for me to stand on, like in the old Christmas advert. Unfortunately I don't have that one as a Quicktime but here's the second instalment...

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