Wednesday 20 April 2016


For this charity animation I wanted there to be a clear connection with reality even though it's an animated film. Rotoscoping seemed like the best technique to use to give credibility to the images I was creating, as it is so recognisably based on life. There is also a more 'professional' quality to rotoscoping, as it's so precise, and very aesthetically pleasing to most audiences (younger and older). I sometimes feel like rotoscoped footage can be a bit clinical when used on it's own though, in a way it's a bit too smooth sometimes, which is why I'm interspersing other elements into my film, such as looser abstract moments based on children's drawings and doodles, and smaller, more playful characters. The elements I am rotoscoping are all moments of playfulness, human gestures to increase the audience's engagement and energetic movement.

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