Tuesday 2 February 2016

Miro and More

I've got several things on the go at once at the mo, but the music video I'm helping out in is proving to be really useful to my other projects too. Everything is connected!!!

Installation piece from the YSP 2 summers ago.

Anyway, tomorrow morning I'm heading down to the studios to do some character designing with a painter called Robin, who is also collaborating with ABK on the music video. He's drawn some lovely patterns, bird and warrior designs and symbols already, so we'll be using a similar style of drawing using Chinese inks for the main characters too.
Working with someone like Robin, who is an older, more experienced painter, has made me realise that I need to constantly be looking for inspiration in classic and contemporary art and sculpture, as well as in the 'here and now' artists. We've been drawing inspiration from Joan Miro, Picasso and Paul Klee to name but a few and it's allowing me to explore styles I would never have come to on my own. Collaboration seems to get more and more useful and interesting the further you delve!

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