Tuesday 21 April 2015

Hybrid Theory

Through my research lately I've come to the conclusion that the best creature/character designs are based on natural forms which already exist. The designer's job is to then take all the inspiration from nature they've gathered and play god a little by taking little bits from everything. This has been the way to design creatures for a long time. Look at all our favourite mythological beasts; the sphinx is part woman part lion, the griffin is half lion half eagle, dragons are just big lizards that also act a bit like volcanoes and giants look a bit like boulder mountains and a bit like humans.
Guillermo Del Toro is brilliant at creating creatures with human-like qualities but then adding fur or horns or animalistic eyes and claws. This fella, Mark Oliver, is one of many I've discovered who likes to create beetles and other sculpted creatures from found objects. 
 Litterbugs from recycled items. By Mark Oliver

These have a very steam-punk quality which is just brilliant. I'd love to articulate one for a stop-motion , like a small version of La Princesse (a future plan).
I've decided to go for the same idea by taking inspiration for my faerie designs from the insect world, but instead of putting them all together in one image, I have chosen to hint at various elements. Just showing a leg, a wing or a shadow at any given moment.

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