Friday 10 April 2015

Glen Keane : "When I’m animating I’m thinking of the line I’m making as sort of a seismograph of your soul."

I received these interactive animations on my phone when I changed to a Motorola and thought they were the best things ever! I love that the environment feels like a 3D space you need to explore WITH the characters, and then I read this article and I was blown away by the fact that everything was hand-drawn. I love that the big names in animation from Disney are really focussing on the importance of physical drawing. There's a quality about hand-drawn that can't be replicated; it just has soul and I love that. So what if it takes longer and your backdrops shudder a bit and you go through a million pencils! It's a labour of love and in the end everything comes back to drawing anyway.
This was a brilliant read courtesy of AWN.

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