Sunday 27 October 2013

Life Outdoors.

I come from a fairly outdoorsy family; most people view our lifestyle as a similar one to the couple in that old TV show 'The Good Life'. We're pretty certain that our neighbours, although interested by us and our various animals, are also slightly ashamed of our house and its lack-of-keeping with the rest of the street. I'm starting to think that when they say, "Isn't it lovely to hear the sound of a rooster in the middle of town!", what they really mean is, "If that rooster wakes me up at 5am one more time I will set the cat on it and hurl eggs at your house!"
Anyway this love of the outdoors extended to myself and my sister when we took up jobs at our local Botanical Gardens. This is a quick pen and watercolour sketch I did of Ness Gardens, where I used to work in the tearooms. We would often serve wedding parties down in this secluded spot and it holds fond memories for me, midges and wasps aside!

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